Did you know that there are some easy ways to get the best out of your skincare routine. Here we share 5 simple tips with you:
Tip 1: Start your skincare routine with clean, damp skin as this allows your products to absorb quickly and effectively and especially if they contain hydrating ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid.
Tip 2: Apply thin layers of your products. We always use the analogy of wearing layers of clothing when it’s cold. Layers are always more effective and protective than one thick covering.
Tip 3: Make sure you use your products in the correct order, from the thinnest to the thickest. In our case our simple 3 step routine would be our Essence, Serum and Moisturiser. Any oil based products should be used last. If used in the wrong order they won’t penetrate the skin effectively and therefore your skin loses out on the full benefits of the ingredients contained within the products.
Tip 4: Give your skin the nutrients it needs without any harsh ingredients. We believe that a skincare routine should be pure, effective and as natural as possible. Whilst ingredient lists can be confusing, don’t be afraid to ask questions. You deserve to know exactly what you are putting on your skin without all the marketing jargon and it’s a brand’s responsibility to be transparent too. You can email us any time at hello@anaraskincare.com and we would be delighted to answer any questions you may have.
Tip 5: Don’t forget to apply a full spectrum SPF30 or SPF50 after your moisturiser each and every day even if it looks like your products include SPF. The job of a skincare product is to nourish your skin and a SPF adds the final protective layer to protect your skin from UV rays, which are present even when the sun isn’t shining.
We hope you found these simple tips helpful.